About Us

Berg Randall is not just another name in the world of real estate and timeshares; it represents a vision that looks beyond mere transactions to create unique financial opportunities for our clients. Founded with a clear mission in mind, we've dedicated ourselves to serving as a bridge between aspirations and realities, connecting investors with transformative opportunities in real estate, finance, and cryptocurrency.


Our specialization in optimizing unutilized timeshare weeks has positioned us as a gateway to tangible benefits for those who trust in our expertise. We see each timeshare week as a golden opportunity, ready to be maximized. Through strategic promotions, meticulous reporting, and holistic consultancy, we've established ourselves as leaders in adding value to the timeshare experience.


Our strategic alliance with RCI, the global leader in vacation exchanges, further broadens the horizon of possibilities for our clients. Through this partnership, they can access luxury experiences in destinations worldwide, always backed by the Berg Randall promise of quality and service.


Beyond our work in real estate and timeshares, our prowess extends to the financial domain where we've been guiding countless clients to informed decisions in both traditional investments and the burgeoning world of cryptocurrency.


At Berg Randall, our core values of integrity, excellence, innovation, and client commitment are the compass that steers every action and decision. Our continuous pursuit is to exceed expectations and offer solutions that not only address needs but also enrich lives.


As we look towards the future, our aim is unwavering: to solidify our position as the go-to firm in the U.S. and Latin America for real estate, financial advice, and timeshare services. With an undying dedication to excellence and a passion for innovation, Berg Randall is here to serve, guide, and thrive alongside our valued clients.